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EP Podcast - Week of Apr 29th w/ Melanie Gurley 💫

Energetic Principles Podcast - w/ guest Melanie Gurley - AstroBodies™️

Good Monday to all!!! 🌈 Energetic Principles Podcast - Episode 50 is now live for your listening pleasure on Soundcloud & iTunes !!!

This week - April 29th - the Universe hurls more things our way as messages of constriction in the name of growth come in and we begin to rope off certain avenues while clearing the path for others. With Saturn stationing retrograde on the South Node, Mercury making a slew of transits to some heavy hitters, and Mars sitting in an opposing conversation with growth oriented Jupiter changing conditions are inevitable at this time, and a New Moon in Taurus seeks to open us up to what is to be our new normal! 🐃

I’m excited to welcome Portland based astrologer at Beautiful Astrology, Melanie Gurley, to talk about “AstroBodies™️“ - where Melanie and I discuss her devised method of artistically drawing the astrological energies of the body in a system she created known as AstroBodies. She shares her unique and colorful approach while we also go down the list of zodiacal signs and discuss what areas of the body that those planetary placements rule and how that may influence the body and its health. 🔮

Melanie Gurley - AstroBodies™️ - Family Astrology Portrait

Here are some visual representations of Melanie's work both in the family realm and with individuals. Pretty cool, right?! So if you would like to find out more about her unique approach and follow up on her sale offer that is coming down the line, click on over and check her out at Beautiful Astrology. You can also stay abreast with her upcoming offerings over on IG @beautifulastrology where you can view her active feed that has more of these drawings, along with her photographic series where she paints on the body to show the different astrological correlations with the signs and body parts. Such a fun visual and certainly a work of art!

AstroBodies™️ - Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers

As always, if you would like to show appreciation for my work, I encourage you to check out my Patreon - for a small nominal fee you can get early access, my new offering Moon Animal Monthly, and/or the option of signing up for the weekly "custom spread" Tarot Subscription! And if you know of anyone who would be interested in such things, please spread the good word to keep this dream alive! 💫

Happy listening! May the stars be with you! ✨✨✨

💜 Mel

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