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EP Podcast - Week of Oct 21st w/ Alicia Yusuf 💫

Energetic Principles Podcast - w/ guest Sol Jonassen

Good Monday to all!!! 🌈 Energetic Principles Podcast - Episode 74 is now live for your listening pleasure on Soundcloud & iTunes !!!

This week - October 21st - Scorpio season is officially here and we feel the shift of intensity in the air! This week challenges the direction that we are headed to next and there is likely to be pressure and restless energy that is felt as the lunar cycle quiets into introspection. Re-examine your commitments and honor the authentic awakenings that are happening at this time, for there are transformative energies that lie ahead! 🦂

I’m delighted to welcome Australia based professional astrologer and 1/3rd of the Water Trio, Alicia Yusuf, for a discussion on “Scorpio Season 2019“ - where Alicia and I breakdown this year’s Scorpio period and the depth energies it is likely to bring to the surface! With each of us having prominent Scorpio in our charts, we share our personal takes on the fixed water energy before running through the transit highlights and planetary signatures that will make up this year’s passage through the scorpion’s lair. Are you ready to dive deep? 🔮

Above is a video of the transits through the wheel for this year's Scorpio Season! Watch as the Sun progresses each day to reveal changing formations in the skies. The more blue, the more flow we get... the more red, the more tension is at play... blue and red together gives us a little flavor of both!

Now to keep in touch with Alicia, you're going to want to head on over to her website to subscribe so you can get her free Mercury RX in Scorpio meditation that she has created! She is also giving a very generous offer to the listeners of the podcast where you will receive 30% off any of her consultations during this year's Scorpio season. All you have to do is put in the code SCORPIOMEL in the checkout form and you'll get your discount! You can also find her, along with Cassandra Tyndall and Kelly Surtees, over at the Water Trio Podcast ... I highly recommend that you take a listen! It is a delight to be a fly on that wall! Lastly, you can stay in the know over on IG @aliciayusuf.astrologer so go on and give her some love! ✨

As always, if you would like to show appreciation for my work, I encourage you to check out my Patreon - for a small nominal fee you can get early access to the podcast! You can also partake in my new subscription offerings that started on August 1st, 2019 - one provides show notes for my podcast's astro forecasts and the other tier features a new monthly program called "Astro Story Time" where I share my analysis of charts in order to tell stories through astrology. The third episode was just uploaded on Oct 17th if you want to come down to sign up!! This special Halloween edition will have us look at the Pluto station headlines, the charts of for the Dallas, TX cop conviction, and a feature on Mr. Halloween himself, Tim Burton and two of his main collaborators Johnny Depp and Danny Elfman! And if you know of anyone who would be interested in such things, please spread the good word to keep this dream alive! 💫

Happy listening! May the stars be with you! ✨✨✨

💜 Mel

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