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EP Podcast - Week of Aug 27th w/ Mars Gradiva 💫

Energetic Principles Podcast - w/ guest Mars Gradiva

Good Monday to all!!! 🌈 Energetic Principles Podcast - Episode 18 is now live for your listening pleasure on Soundcloud & iTunes !!!

This week - August 27th - I am happy to report that Mars is stationing for direct motion! This backwards warrior has been messing with the energy for the last two months and I am more than happy to solute his about face, forward march in the right direction! Be patient as ever though as he is super strong in his stillness and may brew a storm or two before he gets back into the swing of things. 🏌️‍♀️

I’m excited to welcome Montreal astrologer, musician and human, Mars Gradiva to the podcast! Guest topic of the week: “Queer Astrology & The Limitation Of Gender Binary“ - where we chat about what makes queer astrology queer and how the perversion of the Mars & Venus archetypes have contributed to the division of gender. Mars gives his thoughts on the matter while also listing the patriarchal role in defining the four elements. Fascinating stuff! 🔮

Reiki Room SD - Melanie Esperon - Energetic Principles

I also uploaded a special video version of this chat if you want to see Mars and I live in action! 🤗I personally love watching the videos back as there is always nuance in the visual picture! And if you want to connect with Mars further , you can visit him at Astro Date Visuals and check out the essay "Visual Guide to Queer Astrology" - or reach out to him on IG @astrodatevisiuals !!! ✨

And as always, if you would like to show appreciation for my work, I encourage you to check out my Patreon - for a small nominal fee you can get early access, moon horoscopes, and the option of signing up for the custom tarot subscription! And if you know of anyone who would be interested in such things, please spread the good word to keep this dream alive! 💫

Happy listening! May the stars be with you! ✨✨✨

💜 Mel

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