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New Moon in Aries - Fresh Beginnings 🌱

New Moon in Aries 2018 - Fresh Beginnings

Finally we rebirth into the new! What a past few months it has been... basically since the Solar Eclipse at the tail end of Aquarius, life has been churning at quite an alarming rate with directional plot twists a lot of us were not expecting.

We were then ushered into Pisces season, which is known for its mutable closing down energy, and asked to surrender what once was to the hope and faith that what is birthed next will be of greater spiritual significance. Where Pisces releases and symbolizes the last chapter of our yearly novels, Aries brings forth the new beginning and perpetual sequel of our lives.

However, this year was a little different as once we got into the dynamic energy of Aries - on March 20th - we encountered many tense planetary interactions with the pile-up in Capricorn and Mercury retrograding nearly the whole season. What is usually a rocket ahead / Spring like resurgence turned into a hurry up and wait stance. Reviewing where our characters were to birth next was on the plate and now that those challenges have been met, and Mercury is stationing direct, this New Moon - exact on Sun 4/15 at 6:57 pm PDST - finally gives us the ability to carry forth with the sprouting of our 2.0 personality seeds, that of which will be nurtured into manifestation during Taurus season. So let's take a look at what kind of energy will be sprouting anew...

The Aspects - Electrifying Starts ⚡️

Below is a chart of the exact moment our lunar lady meets the Sun to begin one of the most dynamic New Moons of the zodiacal year. We've certainly got some impactful pairings here as the Sun & Moon meet Uranus, Mercury is stationed, Mars is in a tricky spot, Chiron is teetering on the critical degree edge, and Venus sings her sweet song with lucky Jupiter. Now we can dive a little deeper...

New Moon in Aries 2018 - Astrology Chart

Let's start with our New Moon ruler, Mars, who is currently in Capricorn. As the representative of this lunation he is really calling for fresh starts and new beginnings on the earthly plane. The ideas have already been hashed, the goals thought out and reworked, and our feelings tested around what the hell we are doing... and now it's finally time to get to work and manifest these goals into reality. It certainly hasn't been easy, and for most the Mars / Saturn conjunction that happened on April 2nd rocked us into motion out of necessity to take care of practical concerns and devote ourselves to a new path that leads to new responsibilities and/or constraints.

As the Saturn influence is waning, Mars now moves towards Pluto, giving us the drive and intensity we need to cast off what once was to move into greater authenticity and integrity with our energetic drives and overall motives. As we wax forward after the New Moon and this aspect becomes closer to being exact, we have the power of focus and strategy at our sides. The New Moon is dynamic, yet the next few weeks ahead carry out and expand these themes. There certainly is some powerful and liberating energy in the air.

Speaking of liberating, possibly one of the most notable characteristics of this New Moon is the conjunction it is making with Uranus. When two planets conjunct, especially during a New Moon, there is a fusing of that energy not only in the moment, but also as we carry on the lunar cycle. Uranus is known for it's surprising elements so do be aware that what is not expected may pop up at this time. Surprises don't necessarily have to be negative - they arise to shake us up enough to entertain a fresh set of circumstances. And if you don't experience anything around the New Moon, be on the lookout for "aftershock" moments throughout the lunar month as the planets make significant aspects to your own chart.

Another element of Uranus, and one that I feel is very potent for this New Moon, is the planet's ability to encourage what is new and fresh. We are only shocked into action when a redirect or innovative approach may need to be taken. So as we break out of past limitations, embrace new character development and open ourselves to fresh paths of intention, we invite the manifestation qualities of Taurus season to be fruitful and life affirming.

While on the subject of Taurus, we have Venus there (in her comfy domicile) approaching an opposition with Jupiter in Scorpio. This is a lovely little alignment as it allows for growth by stabilizing the emotional changes we have been going through. Now is the time we can open up to make the decisions necessary in relation to the future of our creative endeavors, relating direction, and the overall generation of increased peace and stability in our lives. Since both planets are making an opportunistic connection to Pluto, the choices we are making in these regards will be lasting and help to usher in a fresh, regenerative healing energy.

Lastly, we have Mercury who has just stationed direct in the early degrees of the ram and in a loose out of sign conjunction with Chiron, who is about to cross over the Aries point. The last week or so may have been a little "messy" as Chiron parked on the fixed star Scheat. There may have been some recent low moments of getting overly caught up in emotion, which can sometimes lead to tragic circumstances. Yet the upside is that astounding mental creativity can live here as well. So as Mercury stations and regains its motion, see if you can pick up some of those rays of of genius. As the mind is getting its bearings right now, a fresh perspective is ripe for the taking. With the Sun now ahead of Mercury, our soul's awareness can precede the mind, which allows for better decision making as we move forward. Want to review how retrograde went for you? You can revisit my previous Mercury article here.

The Symbol: Moving Forward ➡️

So let's take a look at the Sabian symbol for this New Moon in Aries. As always we are going to take the degree and round up. Here we get the following:

27° Aries - "Lost opportunity regained in the imagination."

Keyword: Reformulation

Theme: Learning from experience

I find this very interesting for this New Moon, especially with Mercury stationing direct. There is an emphasis on new insights from previous experiences that allow us to understand our future direction more clearly, helping to move forward towards greater success. As Diana Roche writes in her book:

"Your greatest advantage lies in your willingness to start over or make changes if you discover that you were wrong or what you have been doing isn't working."

So we can see that this degree is certainly touching on moving beyond, having gained the wisdom necessary to strengthen our future positions. Plus, the imaginative element allows us to get creative with what our forthcoming circumstances can potentially look like. Here's a sneak peek of the potential symbol activity for this lunar month:

New Moon: Be willing to start fresh and learn from what previously didn't work

1st Qtr: Have the courage to break through self-limitation and do what needs to be done

Full Moon: Renew relationships that mean a lot to you and embrace mutual support

Last Qtr: Analyze the facts at hand... actions speak louder than words

Definitely paints a rather clear picture to me! Plus, there certainly is the hint that a second chance is in the works, with the ability to recapture and revitalize what may have been previously lost. How exciting is that?! Now with that being said, I'll move on to my special announcement...

My Own Aries "New Beginning" Announcement 🙌

I'm delighted to share that starting Monday - April 16th - I will be back in the podcasting realm! I have a new show aptly titled the Energetic Principles Podcast that will be a weekly show where I break down the astro climate, along with a few tarot pulls and our weekly animal ambassador. After my report a rotating guest will join me for the topic of the week! Having just recorded my first guest segment with dear friend and spiritual gal pal Kiki Matoba, I just know this is going to be a super fun endeavor and I look forward to sharing it with y'all!

In addition I will be offering a tarot subscription with a weekly custom spread that helps one get more personal guidance weekly, while also learning and/or growing one's understanding of tarot. Each spread has a custom video where I break down the specifics, as well as a patron access only feed that encourages discussion and musings. If that sounds of interest, I suggest that you check out my first spread that will be free for this coming week only! I've been testing this format for weeks on my own and have really gotten a lot from it, so I hope you will do the same! Find out more on my Patreon page.

Both offerings will launch on Monday, and as for the Moon horoscopes, those will now be included in my subscription services. So if you've enjoyed my past writings, I'd be over the moon - see what I did there? - if you showed appreciation by signing up! This is only the beginning, so the more interest I get, the more I'll be able to provide... and I certainly look forward to the adventure!

New Moon Blessings to All! 💫

Well we certainly have an exciting, liberating, future oriented New Moon on our hands! I personally can't wait to embrace this lively energy and finally get 2018 underway. Sending lots of love and wishing everyone a prosperous start to this astrological new year; and as always... may the stars be with you!


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