The Feminine Principle Podcast #39 - Week of Feb 12th, 2018

Episode 39 - "Your Shining Moment" - of The Feminine Principle Podcast is now live! You can find it below, on Podbean, YouTube, or through iTunes!
In this episode, Shawna of Neo Feminine Astrology and I discuss the astrology for the week of Feb 12th, 2018 with tarot and inspirational quotes - featuring the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aquarius, Mercury square Jupiter sextile Uranus & conjunct the Sun, and Mars in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces! ✨🔮✨
Wishing everyone a fabulous Solar Eclipse as the energy shifts us into the next chapter of our lives! 💫
Happy listening to all! 🌺
💜 Mel 💜⠀