The Feminine Principle Podcast - Week of July 31st, 2017
Episode 11 - "The Power of Unconscious Patterns" - of The Feminine Principle Podcast is now live! You can find it below, on Podbean, YouTube, or through iTunes!
In this episode, Shawna of Neo Feminine Astrology and I discuss the astrology for the week of Jul 31st, 2017 with tarot and inspirational quotes - featuring Uranus stationing retrograde, Jupiter in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn, and the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius! ✨🔮✨
This week kicks us off towards eclipse season!!! Get prepared for all the life shifting energy that's in store as we step ever closer to connecting consciously with our heart's joy!
💜 Mel 💜⠀